Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sympathy, what a worthless feeling.

Because you feel sorry for a tree that was destroyed long ago, would you hesitate to throw coal on a fire?
Draw the line that defines being human through reason, not emotion.

I think it's best if we don't meet or talk too much.

I feel the shadow crossing the line.
Pull it back, and feel it fall, cursing.
My heart, where is it, where was it last?
And why, when I see those eyes, do I feel it fly again to the sun?
The light of day does not pass into this crevice,
this dominion away from humanity
peace, order
This land is a place of chaos.
You will rise to meet the mountain's edge and fall from the cliff again.
You will travel with the beads of sweat through the oceans
hear the cries of dying sailors
and back again to the rivulets
see the children play along the side of the bank
revel in their innocence, realize that keen sense of loss
to hear the arms of the forest close in, around you
if it can not be then, does it not exist?

Friday, July 10, 2009


Continued from last post...

Continuing from last time, I wanted to keep showing you old artwork so I can start posting some new good ones. I used to have Adobe ImageReady which you can use to animate your images. I played around with it sometimes making some icons or something, but I made this image off the anime sCRYed which my good friend liked I hadn't actually watched it myself which is kind of odd but I found a good image to go with the animation. The animation is by no means even close to professional, but its neat to see what turned out.
The image on the right was just of some random brushes I put together and blended along with a random gradient. It's a very easy trick to do. I think I like how it looks but it's nothing too special.
The smaller image on the right you might remember from the last post. Among the images ther was one that looked kind of similar to this one. For this image, I took that and added the equalizer which if you view regularly moves however since blogspot doesn't allow me to display this for some reason which I find frusturating.
The image you see on the left is of a goblin image from Warcraft III. I think at this time I had heard my friends were playing World of Warcraft or something and I wanted to see the graphics from it. I made this for some forum perhaps. In any case, I'm really happy with how this turned out. I think that a this time I had acquired photoshop so my graphics started getting better. This image I created around 4 months after the first one I put in the first post. As you can see, I've gotten a lot better with learning to blend things and the color schemes. (Note: As with all images on this page, you can click it to get a bigger better resolution view of it.)
The next image at the right is about U2. I had just met someone I knew who loved this band and I wanted to show him my skillz because he also used photoshop. I really LOVE this one because the color scheme is not too bold, the background is actually reminiscent of their album cover as well as the target sign. The color kind of takes the focus off the faces I do admit but I love the galaxy theme behind the image. This is one of my favorite pieces I've ever done even tho it is one of the earliest.
The image on the left is of the popular american series Orange County of course. At least it use to be...I made this background for a friend for myspace because she was in love with the show. The actual image is very dull, there's only 3 images that I changed the lighting around with to make darker.
The following image is just for laughs. I think I did this on paint but I wanted to post it because I still think it's kind of funny. The image is of one of my friends, we kind of make some images to make fun of each other and this one was one of the ones I made. I don't think I had photoshop at the time. Also, this friend is much better than I am at making graphics so mine always looked worse. I made the following background of Sasuke because a friend of mine really liked him. If you're Asian you've probably heard of Naruto and if you've heard of that then you've probably heard of Sasuke. I think I made this background for him. I don't know if he ended up using it but I did or a bit. If you remember the first post and the first image I posed of the vines, I created somethign similar to it but with a different color scheme. I liked how these looked too. I liked this background overall because the scheme matched with Sasuke's clothes. Ignore that random name in the middle bottom of the screen I forgot to take it out and have been too busy since.
Another one of my interests is in Final Fantasy so if you know the game FF7 then you'll surely recognize my next two images. These were just scans off a website I simply enhanced them. I really liked how the Aeris image turned out. It's like an antique photo or something. Cloud remains colorful. I like how they match on the side of the post too! I think I made the Cloud one for Howard but he didn't use it. Heh.
On the left is another image of Aeris. The original image was in a grungy looking scan. I cut her out and put the random purple dots over it. It looks pretty bad. The main goal for this was to get Aeris out of the background she was in without messing up the image too badly which I think I accomplished pretty well. I might do something with the image later and take out the purple dots...Ugh!
I will end here because this is a good place to stop. All the Final Fantasy images are over with.

A New Idea...

Yesterday, a friend recommended that I upload all of my Photoshop work to some website for display. I'd had websites before but I had gotten too lazy to work on upkeep. I figure this website will be a simple display, not too many words but more visual appreciation. Lets start with some very preliminary images that I made many years ago. I first started doing graphics related stuff when I was around 14 or 15 because I had been playing Neopets and I wanted a good web page for my pet or something stupid like that. Started off with some cheap paintshop pro trials and when that ran out I used some really bad program with like 10 different settings to create random shit. Finally, I got Photoshop and then things began to get better. Learning Photoshop is not hard at all, just look up some tutorials online and you'll learn the basics. Currently, I am mostly using tutorials to make my work but there's the next stage of imagining your own art and using what you know in Photoshop to make a unique image of your own (coming up with your own ideas using Photoshop effects, etc.) Anyways, enough jabber, lets get to the images. Not all of them are very great in fact of them are extremely poor, but it's interesting to see how work's progressed. (Note: not all of these images are in order because I found some of them in old folders but you can generally tell which ones I did later.)
The image on the right shows a website design I did for a friend a long time ago when he said that he wanted a layout. I had been doing a lot of web layouts for a long time by the time I made this. My earliest ones, which I don't have any more were generally of the character Soujiro Seta from Rurouni Kenshin. This was my first ambiguous layout. Although this is one of the earliest I have, I really liked how the tetacles turned out in this one. It's very modern looking and very simple to make.
The image at the right is of a girl that I saw on an add. I think she is one of the images on the onliny MMORPG Shaiya. There is a dark girl and a light girl and this girl is the light one. I really liked this image because of the girl just looks very beautiful and I kind of had an idea about adding the snow behind her to creat a oft effect. I think I made this for xanga but I can't remember.
The orange and yellow image on the left is of a xanga layout. You might have heard about the Xanga livejournal program. It was basically like an online blog. The woman in the picture is LuLu, a character from Final Fantasy X. I thought she was really cool looking. The lighted textbox is there for the place to post your text obviously.
Everyone's heard of the three people on the right, right?They're characters from Final Fantasy X and X-2, probably one of the more popular Final Fantasy games. I didn't really do anything to this image other than put the people together. Originally, the image was of them seperately. This might seem like a useless endeavor however I think it's important to become better at this skill of taking people out of backgrounds because it's important when making graphics. Granted, this process could have been done easily with some layer mask however at the time I was still a noob so I didn't know about this.
The image at the right is a banner. I made for some random website. I honestly don't remember what. All I know is that it was about bananas. I think I like this image because its kind of grundgy but also kind of cool looking, not sure.
Next I have a VERY simple button, just a demonstration of something typical you would make for a website.
On the left is an image I was going to make for my website I think. This is the original huge image that I had, I was going to cut some stuff out of it and make a more modern design for it. I think at this point, I had become more interested in making graphics for my website instead of coding it because it was just so tedious. I didn't end using this image for that reason. Maybe I was just content to look at it :P.Let me just end this post with this image because I am actually in lab and I need to go do real work. This image is of something I was gonna put as the opening to my website. The popular thing to do with most websites at least back in the day was to put an opening page with some nice graphic. This was my intetion for this image but once again, I didn't use it. I really like this button, it's probably my favoriteo one from older. I really like the idea behind the image. Also, if you click on this image (like you can do for any of the other ones in this post), you should be able to see it glowing like it's about to explode. I loved that.
Thanks for listening to me chatter about these, I haven't finished uploading all of the ones that I wanted to but I really should go do some work. I hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as I enjoyed making them.
Edit: You actually can't see it glowing. This makes me a sad panda.