Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sympathy, what a worthless feeling.

Because you feel sorry for a tree that was destroyed long ago, would you hesitate to throw coal on a fire?
Draw the line that defines being human through reason, not emotion.

I think it's best if we don't meet or talk too much.

I feel the shadow crossing the line.
Pull it back, and feel it fall, cursing.
My heart, where is it, where was it last?
And why, when I see those eyes, do I feel it fly again to the sun?
The light of day does not pass into this crevice,
this dominion away from humanity
peace, order
This land is a place of chaos.
You will rise to meet the mountain's edge and fall from the cliff again.
You will travel with the beads of sweat through the oceans
hear the cries of dying sailors
and back again to the rivulets
see the children play along the side of the bank
revel in their innocence, realize that keen sense of loss
to hear the arms of the forest close in, around you
if it can not be then, does it not exist?

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